What a sad read Susan. As with any prejudice you have to fight it; you may not win but the fight will keep you strong and alive. On Twitter, as a defender of Sex not Gender Identity, I was often ridiculed as an old man and that my demise could not come soon enough. I never responded, but thought "You will be old one day too, and certainly no wiser".

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Sorry, but at 61 I just don't indentify with this. I spent my years of relative youth and beauty apologising (which I find really irritating in younger women), doing myself down (again, just so bloody boring and time wasting when I have to put up with younger women doing this) and generally keeping my head down. Now I feel happier, stronger, confident, more able and willing to do what I want and I don't really care what anyone else thinks. And young women, yes, they are irritating when they weedle their way up the arse of the nearest man, but I was she, and she will be me - I hope - one day. Age is not for cissies but it's better than the alternative.

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