Sorry, but given her support to Michael Gove for the iniquitous suggestion of 'Free Ports', which will rob Scotland of control over huge areas of our country whike enriching overseas businesses by allowing them to pay no tax, along with impoverishing the local workforce who will have no protection against minimal wages, no security of employment, no sick, holiday or redundancy pay, I cannot give my support to Kate Forbes. I see her as a traitor to the future of Scotland's prosperity.

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I tend to agree with much of what you say. I wonder though, if Kate can explain her tolerance to her co-religionists and whether they accept that? My experience of deeply religious people and groups is that they are imbued with an extreme sense of them being right and everyone else wrong and on the road to hell.

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I am not sure that someone with such divisive, and I believe very cruel, beliefs can or should govern in a democracy. I could not vote for a person with those beliefs, however much I defend her right to hold them. But yes she probably has many good qualities that modern government needs - and lacks!

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