Sep 9, 2021Liked by Susan Dalgety

"... acquired gender..."?? I thought the mantra is that TIMs and TIWs have always been souls in the wrong body. If that's the case they don't "acquire" anything, they simply are. The phrasing used proves our point - current transgenderism is entirely performative.

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Truly ironic that the Tories now appear to be the ONLY political party in Scotland who are prepared to stand up for women's rights !! I would urge all right thinking ( ie HONEST ) politicians to rebel against the " party line " and stand against this totally outrageous and deranged " ideology ", which will damage so many women and children !!Predators and Paedophiles must be running their hands with glee !!

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The Tories have worked out there are possible votes from all us disaffected women.

The only question is why the other parties haven't cottoned on.

Too stupid and too captured to act.

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I think now that the Tories are the only ones that can be sided with anymore, it's time to really ask ourselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn1VxaMEjRU

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+ Alba.

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